jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

Bozo Texino

You know how some people never recommends shit to you like they're too good to put themselves in the spot like that? They just live their life, drink it viciously, sink in its awesomeness, that they won't even try to hide for a second.

I am one of them.

I would never recommend a place to visit to anyone, or a band to check out and - hell no - introduce two friends to one another: I mean, what if it all goes wrong and I'm given the looks forever after?
Fuck that shit, I ain't biting.

So I rather stay ethereal to my surroundings and enjoy what I built/collected myself.
What? You ever thought I was into charity or some here?
Nah, this is me organizing my mental library for my own sake, so when I need what I offer I know where to get it.

Ok, nevermind this.
Watch this movie, it's really good:

I know, you owe me one.

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